Elder Keato's Address

Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos S.U.D.
Caixa Postal 18404
Luanda, Angola

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lovin Life!

Another awesome week! Life is good!
We had a really special baptism this last Saturday. I think I've
mentioned him a lot, Felix. He was really excited because he got to
see his best friend Toni get baptized two weeks ago and this week it
was his turn. We always let them bare their testimonies after they're
baptized and bore probably one of the best yet since I've been here.
He expressed how he never would have pictured himself at where he is
right now. I love seeing people like Felix totally change themselves
for the Gospel, there is nothing better.
The first missionary coming out of this branch left yesterday for the
field! His name is Osvaldo and he's serving in Mozambique. So cool.
There is another guy named Claudencio that is preparing to go that
will be a super good missionary. They walk with us quite a bit so they
have a little head start going into the field. It is such a testament
to the church that these guys that have only been baptized for maybe 2
years are now dedicating 2 more years to the church. So cool.
I'm still getting adjusted to having a native companion, it is
definitely something new for me. It's obviously still the same work
and the same message but it's just an adjustment that is going to
teach me a lot! Haha it's funny, now everywhere that we go I'm the
only white guy, it's pretty funny.
We have an investigator named Gervasio that has been being taught for
about a year now. He is a manager at the big grocery store here so he
has a really hard time getting Sundays off. But we had an awesome
lesson with him about courage and the blessing we receive from
obedience to the commandments and since then he has been to church the
last two weeks. He hadn't been a single time since I've been here. I
guess he's made it work so he can start later. So pumped for him.
We're going to pass by his house tonight and see what's up. He's said
he's been praying hard about a baptisimal date, so we'll see!
I love being a missionary so much. There isn't a day that goes by
where I don't see a tender mercy from the Lord. He keeps placing truly
prepared people in our path. This branch here in Lubango is in a
critical stage right now, it needs members that are ready to lead. And
I believe we have quite a few investigators that are going to be those
I hope you are all having an awesome holiday season! Cause I sure am!
I love you all!

Elder Hyde

Lukey, Nice job on the big win this week bro! I'm excited to talk to
you in a week!
Sam, The dance looked fun! You looked gorgeous!
Syd, You're a champ yo. Hope you get dance off for the holidays.
Con, Breath bruh, finals are over.

Awesome Week!

(Sorry I'm behind! I had finals and forgot to post last week's letter!)

Another awesome week! I can't complain at all.I have a lot to tell you
all about.
So on last Monday night we went over to Albertina's house (I think I
talked about her in my last email), and we asked her she had prayed
about a baptisimal date. She then went on tell us about a dream that
she had after our last lesson. Basically in short she had a dream
about the necessity of baptism and decided that this past Saturday was
her day! We were incredibly shocked and excited. She was definitely
more than ready to be baptized. So yeah! Albertina got baptized on
Satudray! Elder Kelsey was pretty bummed that he was going to miss it
because of transfers. The baptism went perfectly, she picked me to
baptize her and I was pretty nervous we wouldn't get it done on the
first go because she is a pretty tall lady, but it all went well! SO
This next Saturday my man Felix is getting baptized. He is Toni's (who
got baptized last week) bestfriend. The work is going so incredibly
well down here in Lubango! Felix will be our 4th consecutive baptism.
The Lord truly is placing tons of very prepared people in our path. I
am so grateful.
Yesterday at church Toni and Leonel both received the Priesthood and
were way excited. As was I. These guys are all progressing so well and
absolutely loving the Gospel and the presence of the Holy Ghost in
their lives.
Elder Sande arrived on Thursday and we went right to work. But I think
maybe a little too fast because he was then sick the whole next day...
haha. He is an awesome guy, like I said in my last email he has been
out about 20 months now and is Mozambican. He is a super nice kid and
a great missionary. I am going to learn a lot from him. Especially
language wise. I was wrong about the pretty good at English thing...
haha. He knows quite a few words but we haven't really had an English
conversation yet. There will be a lot of thing I need to adjust to,
but that isn't a bad thing! It'll be a great transfer! We took him to
the clinic on Friday night and it turns out he has "Polydisimo", it's
like the beginning stages of Malaria, but they got him on some good
drugs so he'll be fine. And he African so he's tough. haha
A few weeks ago Elder Kelsey and I met a guy name Julio who said he
was baptized in Germany 2 years ago. We tried to call him for awhile
and he would never answer but this week he called us wanting to meet
with us, so we met! It was such a cool lesson we had with him. He
braught his baptisimal certificate and Aaronic priesthood certificate.
He explained to us how he was lost and that he wanted to come back. He
has lived here for 7 years and had no idea that the church was here.
He asked us if we had that Joseph Smith book, haha, we were happy to
reply yes. He admitted that he has a lot to change, but that he is
ready to do it. I called him Saturday night to remind him about the
Baptism and he sounded a little different and said that he was coming.
He came. Wasted. But it's all good, we're here to help him! And that
we'll do!
This week I got absolutely attacked by the bugs... I counted yesterday
60+ bug bites all around my body. haha. They're not mesquitos, but we
haven't really found out what they are yet. But, we're going crazy on
my bed to make sure they don't come back. I'm still yet to find a
single bug in my bed. Crazy. I'm totally fine though. They just itch
like crazy.
I am so blessed to be able to be out here serving the Lord! It is such
a blessin! There is nothing more gratifying than seeing someone change
their life for the Gospel. This branch down here in Lubango is growing
like crazy and I'm so glad that I am here to see it. THE CHURCH IS
Woot woot for Grandma joining the Mission Field this week! You're awesome!
I love you all and hope that you all are having an awesome CHRISTmas season!
Elder Hyde
Con. Sa'll good bruh. Hope it's cuz you're studying:)
Sam. I love you sis! Keep being awesome! Have fun with Luke at the
Dance!Drive safe in the snow!
Syd. You're a champ squidster. Loves!
Lukey. You better win your game for me this week! Love you man!

Monday, December 3, 2012

6 Months!

Life is good! The work is moving along so well. I truly can’t complain about anything.
So the first big news is that transfers are this week! I am going to be staying down here in Lubango and Elder Sande from Mozambique is coming down to work with me. I am really excited. He has been out on his mission for about 19 months or so. It is definitely going to be something new for me, working with a native, but I’m excited as well because it is going to help my Portuguese out a ton! Elder Kelsey is the only one that got transferred out of us 4 in Lubango. He’s pretty excited to go back up to Luanda after being here for 6 months.
I’m really happy and content with this last transfer of work. We did a lot of it! The branch is growing like crazy here. Yesterday at church we had 90 people! There wasn’t even close to enough room for everyone to sit. Our two companionships had over 20 investigators all together. LOVE IT!
This weekend was a good one, my man Toni got baptized. This guy has completely changed his life because of the Gospel. He’s shared with us a little about his past and he is definitely in a better place now. It always makes us feel so good, at the end of every lesson he just expresses his gratitude to us and how grateful he is that we spend so much time on him. I’m a big fan of Toni. He is a contact machine! I don’t think he’s ever been to church alone. Haha. He always brings somebody with him, it makes our work easy. His buddy Felix is going to be baptized here in a few weeks. Woot!
We have an investigator named Albertina, she is about 60 years old and she is a champ! She works like 14 hour days at a bakery 6 days a week to provide for herself and her little granddaughter that she brought in. This last week we had an awesome lesson with her, we decided to invite the Violin’s to come with us and we are super glad that we did. We are usually kind of reluctant to be super bold and pushy with baptism on some people but man the Violin’s threw it on! And it’s a good thing that they were, she is going to pray about her baptismal date and probably be baptized by the end of December. She is such an awesome lady, kind of like our grandma out here. Haha. She has been through a lot of stuff with the war and everything and always knows exactly who to thank for it all. Our Savior.
Last Monday we went to a place called Tundavala. So cool! It’s a super beautiful cliff thing that you can go and look out. I’ll try to send some pictures, but lately our internet has been terrible.
This week I hit 6 months! Woot! I have learned so much since I entered the MTC back in May. The most important thing that I have learned and come to realize is the love that I have for our Savior. I have seen so many changes and miracles happen to people because of Christ and the faith that they put in Him. Life is hard at times, but I know that it is all possible because Him.
I love you all so much! Happy Holidays!!
Elder Hyde

Sorry Sibs I love you all but the internet took away your personal messages! Beijos!